Gaming the Hard Market: How a Handful of Insurance Agencies are Crushing Their Competition

“You make most of your money in a bear market, you just don’t realize it at the time.” Shelby Cullom Davis Every industry under the sun goes through market cycles. Insurance is no different, we just have a fun name for it — Hard Market. Characterized by higher premiums, lower retention, free-falling commissions, and a … Read more

Looking Forward: InsurTech Trends to Watch in 2024 – InsuredMine CRM

Insurers must stay abreast of InsurTech trends to stay competitive, enhance operations, and improve customer services in the dynamic insurance landscape. InsurTech, which combines technology with insurance, incorporates artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, blockchain, and Internet of Things. The leveraging of innovations such as AI chatbots for 24/7 support and ML algorithms for personalized … Read more

Revolutionizing the Insurance Landscape: The Impact of Digital Transformation – InsuredMine CRM

The digital transformation in insurance is a remarkable story of adaptation and innovation. It’s not just about making insurance companies more efficient; it’s about putting customers at the center of the business models. It’s about leveraging digital technology to make your insurance experience smoother, safer, and more accessible. So, the next time you think of … Read more

5 Signs You Might Be Underinsured – Life Happens

If you have dependents—or just loved ones who you want to take care of after you die—life insurance is critical. This coverage helps ensure your lost income doesn’t translate to tangible material losses for your family once you’re gone. But how much life insurance is enough? That’s a question whose answer can change significantly over … Read more

Tailoring Success: The Significance of Customization in Insurtech for P&C Insurance Agents – InsuredMine CRM

Insurtech is not just about bringing insurance into the digital age; it’s about making personalized insurance work for you. Insurtech customization is the secret to transforming insurance from a rigid, one-size-fits-all product to a personalized solution that meets your unique requirements. So, if you’re a P&C insurance agent, it’s time to embrace the power of … Read more